
:GxO: Celebration

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Sunocothehedgehog's avatar

Literature Text

Genre: Romance/Friendship/Humor

Pairing: Gibson x Otto

The moon hung high above Shuggazoom city. Down below, the park was lit brightly with lights of all colors and sizes. People laughed, played, and danced as the celebration continued. A large, plump man stepped onto the middle of the stage set in the park, and signaled for the band to stop playing. Once the music went silent, everyone turned to look up towards him. Clearing his throat, the man began to speak.

"Citizens of Shuggazoom! We all are gathered here today to honor the GREATEST of heroes! Our Hyperforce!" he spoke excited into the mic as the crowd cheered. "It was 2 months ago today, that they finished off the evil known as the Skeleton King! It was two months ago today that they demolished that horrible castle on the outskirts of our town. It was two months ago today, that they fulfilled their promise to protect us. And it was two months ago today, that they set us FREE!" The man cried out happily as the crowd roared. Turning around he smiled up at the large robot looking down towards them. "And now! Without further delay! I give you.....THE HYPERFORCE!" He said motioning towards the Super Robot.

The crowd cheered even louder when 6 figures became visable from the robot shoulder. With Chiro in the lead, the monkeys all landed upon the stage without effort. Otto grinned wildly and waved happily to the crowd. Gibson simply smiled, not really sure how to behave in social situations. Nova waved happily. Sprx was grinning coyly, the crowd simply boosting his ego. Antauri hovered lightly next to Chiro, a smile on his face as well. And Chiro was blushing rubbing the back of his head. When the crowd finally quieted down, the man spoke again. "Hyperforce. We have no idea how to thank you. For everything you've done for us. Everyone of you. As the Mayor, I think I speak for all of Shuggazoom when I say....Thank you." The mayor said, shaking Chiro's hand firmly. Chiro simply smiled back and responded: "It's our pleasure."

---1 hour later---

Otto laughed loudly as he watched Sprx trip over his tail for the fourth time. "And I thought MY balance was bad!" he laughed out. "Oh no. Sprx's is considerably worst. Especially when he's with Nova." Gibson responded walking up behind him. Otto smiled towards him then turned back to the dancing pair. "He shouldn't have asked her to dance. He's making a goof of himself!" Otto laughed. Gibson nodded in agreement as he took a seat next to the green monkey. Despite the party around them, a comfortable silence dropped between them. As Otto continued to watch the Gibson's eyes scanned the crowd. He knew a few of the faces. People they had met before, friends of Chiro's, a few fans, and those two weird boys who use to bully Chiro.

"Is it really over?" A voice said, startling him from his thoughts.

"....what?" was all he could reply dumbly. Otto's soft chuckle could be heard next to him.

"Is it reall over? Is he really gone, Gibby? Are we seriously done fighting?" Came the soft question again. Gibson processed this information for a moment before nodding lightly. "Yes."

Otto sighed. Gibson had gotten quieter during the war. As to where once he wouldn't stop talking once he got started, now it was a struggle to get more than a word or two out of him. And to be frank....Otto missed the old Gibson. "Otto?" Gibson called. "Yeah?" the green simian answered looking over at him. "What will happen?" Gibson asked curiously. Otto smiled and shook his head. "I you think we'll become useless? I you think the people here won't need us anymore, Gibby? With Bone bag gone now?"

"I...think they'll still need us." Gibson said smiling, "There is more out there you know."

"But what if they find a way to protect themselves, Gibson? Then what?"

"They won't." was the doctor's simply response. Otto blinked. "Why do you think that?"

"Simple. If they could have found a way to protect themselves Otto, they would have been done it. If they didn't want us to protect them, wouldn't they have been working on a way to fight Skeleton King on their own? As far as they see it, we ARE their way of protecting themselves." Gibson said calmly. He didn't notice the smile that had slipped onto Otto's face. "Gibby..." the green monkey called happily. Gibson turned curiously at the call of his name. "Yes?"

"You said more than 3 words."  Otto beamed.

"....what?" the other monkey said.

"You actually opened your mouth! You got so quiet when the war was happening! I thought you were getting afraid to speak!" Otto exclaimed. Gibson just blink at him, a confused look on his face. " were worried...?" he asked. Otto nodded and moved closer to the other monkey, wrapping his arm around Gibson's shoulder. "Of course I was! My best friend suddenly gets majorly quiet without reason?! Why shouldn't I worry!" he stated matter of factly. Gibson was simply staring straight ahead. "Gibby?" Otto called. "I was worried about you." Gibson's said suddenly. "Wha....?" Otto answered.

"I said I was worried about you. I...I was worried about what was going to happen to you. During the war I mean. I was worried but...Sprx always called me on it if I even asked where you were...I didn't want you to know. And Sprx wouldn't shut up about it. So I...I stopped talking. I figured if I didn't mention you, then Sprx wouldn't have anything to say. And it did work but...I never meant to worry you..." Gibson explained softly, now feeling bad for causing Otto worry.

Sighing softly he back and stared up at the sky. Otto sat next to him, slowly processing the information just fed to him. "You...were worried about me...? But...why?" he asked looking towards his friend again. Gibson's eyes shifted towards him calmly. "Do I need a reason to worry about my best friend?" he said answering Otto's question with his own. Otto just blinked towards him. A loud crack broke the silence and an array of colors took over the sky. Otto heard Gibson chuckle as the fireworks went off. He knew why he was laughing, the fireworks had been chosen by color for just this event it seemed. Orange, White, Yellow, Red, Blue, and Green. How fitting.

"Hey Gibby."


"If we aren't needed anymore one day...and we do leave Shuggazoom...I'll be ok."

"Why is that?"

"Cause...I'll still be with you."

"Well...I'm glad."

"Really? Why?"

"Cause...I was just thinking the same thing."

Otto smiled lightly at the admission and slid closer to the other monkey. "Good...cause you're stuck with me." he said leaning against the other. Gibson simply chuckled in response.

As the fireworks continued to go off above, the city below celebrated happily. Looking towards a what promised to be a bright future.
Ew. Been too long.D: So yeah...can you tell I trying to remember how to write them?

Gibson seems so OOC in this...yucky.

SRMTHFG (c) Ciro Neli

Yeah...I like making Sprx seem like a jerk in some of my oneshots. .-. It's payback for that Soul of Evil thing...yeah.
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