
Protect you

Deviation Actions

Sunocothehedgehog's avatar

Literature Text

Gibson moved quickly around the floor of the darkend sick bay.Walking over he made sure the doors were locked.He made sure the lights were at thier absolute lowest.Nodding he turned around to face his only guest.Otto.

Sadly this wasn't the same Otto everyone knew.No.This Otto was a beaten,torn up,nearly dead,hanging on by a string Otto.Gibson walked over to the tank filled with healing liquids.Otto floated in the center of it.The unconscious simain never noticed he was there.Gibson placed his hand on the glass,half hoping Otto would copy his actions.But he didn't.Gibson growled deeply as memories of why Otto was like this flooded back to him.

---Flashback begins---

It was the final battle against the Skeleton King.His castle was destroyed and his army as well.All the was left was him and Mandarin.SK had managed to make a few more formless appear and Chiro quickly ordered Otto and Gibson to take them out.

"LOOK OUT GIBBY!" came Otto's deep yet childish voice.Gibson watched as a saw flew over his head and cut a formless behind him in half.Looking back towards his savior,Gibson smiled. "Remind me to thank you later." he called.Otto just laughed.Gibson slammed his drill into another formless before it could turn around good. "WHAAA WHOOO!!!" came Otto's voice again.Gibson glanced back as Otto easily mowed down 3 formless. "This is getting easy!" Otto exclaimed happily.Gibson just shook his head."Knock on wood Otto.Knock on wood." he called attacking another formless.

Mandarin had been watching the two and wasn't to happy about how close they'd gotten.He smiled as he watched them get farther apart as they attacked the weak formless.Glacing over he scoffed at how easily Chiro and Antauri had weakend his king.Nova and Sprx were pretty much treating him like a punchbag. "This ends now..." Mandarin growled heading towards Otto.

Otto smiled brightly.He would glance over his shoulder every now and then to make sure Gibson wasn't over whelmed.Gibson did the same for him.Gibson wasn't entirely sure when,but sometime during the war he and Otto became best friends.He honestly didn't remember when it happened or why.He was glad it did though.Gibson continued drilling through formless.He glanced back and laughed when he saw Otto running around in circles with formless attempting to catch him.He woulda helped had Otto not been laughing up a storm.

Gibson continued to fight.That is however until a scream of pure pain caught his attention.He looked to his teammates whom were fighting SK.None of them were screaming in pain.The scream sounded again,and Gibson felt his heart stop.He knew that scream.He knew it well...


---Flashback ends---

Gibson growled again.Tears were threating to spill but he refused to allow them.A beeping noise caught his attention and he turned to look at the screen besides the tank.It showed that it was safe to remove whomever was inside.Gibson quickly drained the liquid and opened the tank.Otto was now laying on the tank's floor breathing softly.Removing his air mask Gibson picked Otto up.He wrapped a blanket around the wet monkey.However,instead of putting him down on the bed,Gibson sat on the edge of the bed and cradled him.Gibson wrapped the blanket tighter around the green monkey when he shivered.using his tail he pushed a button on the control panel which turn on the heater. "Don't worry Otto.Sleep as long as you want.I'll keep you safe." Gibson mumbled lightly to the sleeping Otto.

---Flashback begins---

Gibson ran as quick as possible to where he'd last seen Otto.However he wasn't there.The scream rang out again and Gibson followed as quick as he could.He growled deeply as he got closer.He was gonna kill whatever was harming Otto this much.Rounding a corner Gibson gasped.Otto layed on the ground,nearly knocked out.On his throat was a foot.It belonged to Mandarin.Said monkey chuckled darkly. "Whats wrong Gibson?Mad because I'm playing with your toy?" Mandarin chuckled.Gibson was too enraged to speak. "Whats wrong?Not gonna say anything?" Mandarin growled pressing his foot Otto's neck.Otto let out a choked scream.Mandarin threw his hand back to laugh.However he never got the chance.

Mandarin gagged heavily as he was slammed against the wall.He went to move but found he couldn't.Against his neck he found a cold,hard drill point.He looked into the eyes of it owner and felt fear overtake him.The drill was indeed Gibson's.But he didn't see Gibson when he looked into his eyes.All he saw was rage.

"Do NOT touch him you filthy animal." Gibson growled out.Vemon laced each word. "W-why do y-y-you care?" Mandarin managed to choke out.Gibson growled deeper.He felt a burning pain in his chest.He couldn't understand what he was doing.His brain told him to calm down.But something in his chest told him not to.It told him to not only punish Mandarin.It told him to KILL him.Gibson growled again. "I'm sick of hearing your worthless voice.You crossed the line this time.I WILL make you pay for all the times you hurt him.I swear I will..." Gibson spat at Mandarin.

Mandarin chuckled. "How cute.You let love fuel your emotions.Do you honestly think he'd ever care for you?You do nothing but yell at him.Just because you stop for what?All of two months you expect him to forget all you've done to hurt him?" Mandarin laughed again. "Gibson!?Otto!?" came Chiro's voice.They had beaten SK and were looking for the last two members. "Go on then.Call back to them.Let them know you failed to protect him." Mandarin chuckled.His chuckles were cut short as Gibson's claw pushed into his neck breaking flesh. "Or...I could let your screams of pain lead them.As you did with Otto." Gibson responded coldly.

The team continued walking when all of a sudden a loud scream shook the silence.Rushing towards the sound the team rounded the corner only to stop and gasp at the sight.Otto was laying half dead on the ground.And Gibson had his drill half way into Mandarin's neck.It was out just enough to keep him alive. "G-g-gibson?" Nova asked startled,and partly afriad,of what she saw. Gibson never turned towards them. "Well!Answer her!" Mandarin choked out, "Why didn't you kill me yet?!" he half screamed,half choked out.Gibson's answer was simply.

"Cause I want them to see me kill you.So they can know EXACTLY what to expect from me...should any of them be foolish enough to do what you did...." he answered.As soon as the last words left his lips,he finished the job.His drill dug completly through the former leader's neck and ended him.No one said anything as Gibson turned around.Chiro flinched back when he saw Gibson's eyes.Walking over,Gibson picked up Otto's blood covered body and walked past the team.

---Flashback ends---

Gibson cuddled Otto tighter. "What is wrong with me?" Gibson asked to no one, "I even threatened the team.I killed Mandarin...all because he hurt you.And now look at me.Here I am craddling you like you belong to me." he mumbled.Gibson let his tears fall as he held Otto tighter. "Can I?" a sleepy voice whispered.Gibson gasped and pulled away.Otto was smiling at him lightly.Sleep was still in his eyes,but so was that light Gibson grew to love.Love.Was that it?Was Gibson in love with the green monkey?

"Can I Gibby?Please?" Otto asked again.Gibson shook his head. "I don't understand...can you what?" he asked softly. "Can I belong to you?" Otto mumbled nuzzling into the blue monkey's pelt.Gibson stared shocked. "I really wanna.I wanna be yours Gibby.That why I always bugged you.Thats why I always fought next to you.And why I ran to you when I was hurt or scared.I wanna be yours.No one elses." Otto confessed hugging Gibson with all the strength he could muster.Gibson was frozening with shock. "O-O-Otto?What are you...what do you mean?" he asked when the shock faded some.

"I mean I love you Gibson." Otto said nuzzling into Gibson again.Otto squeaked when Gibson's arms wrapped tighter around him. "Otto...if you really mean it...and I hope you do...then yes.Of course you can be mine.I want nothing more." Gibson answered returning the nuzzling. "Gibby?" Otto sighed softly. "Hmm?" Gibson answered. "Do you love me too?" Otto whispered. "I thought that would be obvious." Gibson answered. "Could you say it?" Otto asked in the cutest voice he could manage.Gibson chuckled. "I love you Otto." he whispered into the giggling green monkey's ear.Otto yawned and cuddled into Gibson's arms.

Sighing lightly Gibson hugged Otto tighter.He moved so they were laying down.Otto was fast asleep again.Gibson decided he'd wait til tomorrow to aplogize,and explain,to the team about what happened.Snuggling down he fell asleep with Otto safe in his arms.

The war was over.And two certain simians had won more than just the war.They won each other's love as well.

*faints* Done!xD

Ok so.This idea had been flying around in my head for weeks!I know,I know.Gibson is ooc.But I WANTED him that way this time.=D

Omfg.I LOVE the idea of a dark Gibson.I think he'd take care of Otto no matter what.And yes.This is set near the end of the would be season 5. (SS5 PEOPLE!D8 )

So yeah.I haven't written anything for my little angels in a while.Speaking of angels...I gotta get back to that Antiro story....

Story (c) Meh.

Otto,Gibson,Mandarin,Chiro,Nova,Antauri,Sprx,SK (c) Ciro Neli.

Oh and for people who don't know.SK stands for Skeleton King.Ta-friggin-dah!xD

Tell me if you like.^^' And if you'd like to see a new story with a certain couple hit me up.I may be able to help you!=3

EDIT:Ok.So my AWESOME friend made a cover for this story and two others.Heres the link:


Thankies again KoDra-san!^w^
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gibbotto4ever's avatar

it is sooo cute i did not know how much i needed this tell after i read it